Rainbow hearts and the words “safe with me”

Gardening is for Everyone!

We welcome our LGBTQIA+, Black, Latinx, Jewish and other ​minority clients with open arms and want you to know that ​you’re safe with us. We do not tolerate bigotry or bullying of any​ k​ind in our classes or spaces.

About Us

Creative Green Gardens operates at the historic Seven Acre Eden ​Farm in Poulsbo, WA which stands on the ancestral territory of the ​Suquamish Tribe - "People of Clear Salt Water".

Creative Green Gardens began as a demonstration and learning ​garden for the books and articles that our CEO, Carissa, writes​ for the website Creative Green ​L​iving.

Our business is expanding and now also includes produc​ts grown and produced at the farm, as well as organic and non-G​MO seeds and plant starts. Our CEO, Carissa, also offer​s garden consultations, mason bee mentoring and chicken keeper ​coaching both virtually and for residents of Kitsap County region as​ well as the greater Clark County and Vancouver, WA metr​o area.

an open garden gate with bunting hanging from it

Professional Memberships ​and Afffiliations

Carissa Burk, owner of Creative Green Gardens and Creative Green Living Media Group, LLC. Author name Carissa Bonham

Areas of Expertise

Our owner, Carissa Burk, has expertise in these areas of gardening:

  • Mason bees
  • Native pollinators (North America)
  • Chicken keeping
  • Growing large amounts of food in limited space
  • Integrating chickens into your garden and homestead goals
  • Gardening on a budget
  • Natural and organic pest management
  • Edible plants
  • Crop rotation
  • Composting
  • Replacing grass with gardens or meadowscape design
  • Irrigation systems
  • Automation for increased yield with less human labor

Garden, Mason Bee &

Chicken Keeping Consults

Offering virtual consults to anywhere (Bee consults in North America).

In-person consults on your site in Kitsap County, Jefferson County or the Vancouver, WA metro area.

Want Carissa to teach a class, lead a workshop or speak to your group? Contact her for more info!

Custom Garden Plan

Starts at $125

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We’ll start with a 30 minute phone call or ​zoom call to discuss your gardening goals, ​available growing space, budget and more. ​Carissa will create a custom garden layout, ​shopping list and planting schedule ​customized to your climate.

Add ons: Three years of plans for the same ​space to do your crop rotation work for you.

Mason Bee Mentoring

Starts at $75

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Do you want to keep mason bees but you’re ​feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where ​to start? Need a bee-mentor? Carissa can ​help!

During a one-on-one zoom or in-person ​class, Carissa can teach you the basics of ​mason bee keeping, how to set up your ​house, where to put the house, how to care ​for your bees and more.

On-Site Garden Consult

$75/hour plus travel

Do you need a garden expert to walk around ​your property or garden and help you ​problem-solve or plan your garden side-by-​side with you? Do you have questions about ​plants growing on your property and how to ​care for them?

Kitsap or


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Vancouver, ​WA area

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Chicken Keeping Consult

Starts at $100

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Getting started with chickens? Bought baby ​chicks at the feed store and not sure what the ​next step is?

Carissa is the author of the best-selling book,​ Proven Techniques for Keeping Healthy ​Chickens, and she can help you get your ​flock set up and settled in their new home, ​answer questions and more!

Consults include a signed copy of Proven ​Techniques for Keeping Healthy Chickens ​sent via mail or delivered in person.

Get In ​Touch

Call or text: (360) 504-6635

Email: carissa@creativegreenliving.com

TikTok: @CreativeGreenLiving

Instagram: @CreativeGreenGardens

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